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Natural-Gas Prices Plunge After Extended Outage at Texas LNG Facility

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One of the biggest U.S. LNG exporters says fire damage will prevent it from returning to full capacity until late this year

Natural-gas futures for July delivery fell more than 16% to end Tuesday at $7.189 per million British thermal units, the latest whipsaw move in the market for the power-generation and heating fuel. Futures prices for deliveries through February shed at least 10% on the day, suggesting greatly diminished fears about shortages this coming winter. 

Natural gas has been a big driver of inflation this year, with the highest prices in years adding to the cost of heating, cooling and powering homes and businesses as well as manufacturing steel, cement, glass, plastics and fertilizer. Prices had hit $9.60 just before the fire at the LNG plant on Wednesday, which was about triple what gas cost a year earlier. Since the fire, prices have dropped 25% from that intraday high.

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